
Pre built log homes prices
Pre built log homes prices

pre built log homes prices

To get accurate price estimates, we encourage you to contact your local Lindal representative. However, with the help of your Lindal Representative, you can craft a Lindal dream home within your budget. Add 15 to 80 per square foot for site prep, foundation, utility construction, finishings, and assembly. It’s also why final costs for the same basic floor plan can vary greatly. Modular log homes cost 50 to 100 per square foot on average.

pre built log homes prices

We use a kiln dried white pine log siding that is shaped specifically for. This is why we don’t have a standard, pre-printed price list of our homes. FACTORY DIRECT PREBUILT CABINS More than 600 square feet in a single unit and. You can help control costs by choosing the options that fit your budget and limiting the number of changes you make to the original design. Each choice made through the process, as well as your site topography and local labor costs, can have a large impact on the final cost of your home. The final new home construction cost for a Lindal varies widely. Building sites and site conditions can radically alter the turn-key price, which is why turn-key prices do not include land cost or necessary building site improvements, such as tree removal, blasting, roads, septic, well, utility lines, etc.


Generally speaking, the turnkey full cost – including construction, interior finishing, etc.- will be anywhere from 2-4 times the cost of the Lindal package ($500-$750+), not including site prep and improvements. clients (design, plans, and exterior materials package) is $200+ per square foot.

Pre built log homes prices